Shadowrun character sheet mobile
Shadowrun character sheet mobile

shadowrun character sheet mobile

Playing a human also requires no priority or karma investment at character creation, freeing up points better spent elsewhere.

  • Humans Are Average: Human stats (with the exception of Edge) are ranked from 1-6, this being the "baseline" for stats and making them competent at everything, but excellent at nothing.
  • Born Lucky: Human characters start with an additional point of Edge in most editions of the game.
  • Sixth Edition has taken some steps to mitigate this with establishing independent populations of Nartaki emerging in the Arabian Caliphate & the Amazon basin while they still have the issue of distinctive appearance making them highly recognizable, they lack the baggage of the status afforded to the Indian population.
  • As such, a nartaki shadowrunner - especially one operating outside of India - would be relatively easy to track down.


    But their extra arms and unusual skin colors make them very distinctive, and there are less than ten thousand of them in the world, and the vast majority live in India, where most of them are documented and registered.


  • Awesome, but Impractical: Nartaki suffer from this they've got all the advantages of humans, plus an extra set of arms.
  • shadowrun character sheet mobile

    Amazing Technicolor Population: The first acknowledged human metavariant, the Indian nartaki, come in red, blue, or gold skin colors.Humans have two metavariants as of Sixth Edition, the Nartaki & the Valkyrie/Garudan. Despite the appearance of a lot of subraces, many of the dividing lines of "baseline" humanity (skin color, social class and nationality) are as powerful as they've always been, and in many cases also override any racial animus towards other metahumans. They still make up the majority of the Earth's population and are majority demographics in most of the mainline nations in the fluff (with some, like Japan, being almost rabidly pro-human). Humans ( Homo sapiens sapiens)Humans in Shadowrun need little introduction, being much the same as they've always been.

    shadowrun character sheet mobile

    Standard Fantasy Races: The metahuman breeds formed from humanity with the return of magic are, besides humanity itself, classic fantasy dwarfs (short and stout, and good with technology), elves (long-lived, magical and reclusive, and often disdainful of other metahumans), and orks and trolls usually scorned and discriminated against by others, forcing them onto the fringes of society, but who tend to get along well with each other as a result.You can do practically anything within the scope of the game mechanics. In practice, though, there's literally nothing stopping you from acquiring stats, skills, money, or more magical ability. It should be noted, though, that for game balance purposes, picking a race with cool stat bonuses means you have to give up stats, skills, money, and/or magical ability. Square Race, Round Class: In Shadowrun, characters are not bound to any specific archetype due to their race.Also, SURGE (Sudden Recessive Genetic Expression) in 2061 brought changelings, which aren't exactly a specific sub-species, but more of a collection of odd mutations. The Magic Comes Back: Metahumans appeared in two waves: The "Unexplained Genetic Expression" (UGE) births of 2011, where babies were born as elves and dwarfs, and the "Goblinization" of 2021, where adult humans, elves and dwarfs morphed into trolls and orks overnight.There are some changelings who present as combining features of one metatype on another(an elf with ork tusks, a dwarf with troll horns, that kind of thing) but this isn't a result of crossbreeding, rather random metagenetic expression. Meaning no halvsies, and an elf could be the biological sibling of a troll, and half-sibling to a human. If one metahuman procreates with another of a different metatype, the children would be one of their parents' metatypes. Half-Human Hybrid: Thoroughly averted.The latter four races are commonly referred to as "metahumans" and first appeared in the 2011 "Unexplained Genetic Expression" shortly before the return of magic to the world. Characters can be one of five races: human, elf, dwarf, ork, or troll note Later editions add additional, non meta-human races, but these are the stand ones you'll find in each edition's core rulebook.

    Shadowrun character sheet mobile